Monday, September 19, 2011


Hi everyone - Dave here with your first update.

We arrived bright and early here at MGH at 6:30 AM. After a little bit of prep and a lot of waiting, Sarah's day of surgery actually started about 11:30. In this game, the really important plays happen in the first half and I just finished speaking with Sarah's breast surgeon, Dr. Smith. Everything went well and according to plan.

We were a bit surprised this morning to learn they planned to do bi-lateral lymph node biopsies to ensure nothing has spread beyond her breast tissue. Day of surgery surprises = not good, but we swallowed hard and decided to trust her surgeon whom we have tremendous faith in. The right side biopsy was negative (good news) and it turns out they decided it was un-necessary to do the left side - which was even better news since Sarah already has had a biopsy there and was concerned about implications of a second biopsy to her lymph nodes. So, I'm breathing a sigh of relief for both of us on these points.

As I write this, the halftime entertainment is over and Sarah's reconstruction has begun. That will take a couple of hours and then she'll be in recovery through dinnertime. I'll post again sometime later tonight to let you all know the final outcome.

Thanks for all of your support...


  1. Thanks, Dave. I've been sitting here wondering and didn't want to call. (It's cousin Michael)

  2. Thank you for the update! Hugs to Sarah!

  3. Dave, thanks so much for the halftime update. I have been thinking about her all day. Will continue to send positive thoughts and prayers her way. - Jen (her bco buddy in California)

  4. Sarah, sending you many many many good thoughts and wishes for you and your family. I'm sorry I didn't know about this sooner and wasn't able to send you off with a "go kick cancer's ass" message before your surgery. I took the evening to read-up on your blog. I wish I was better with words. Wish there was more than I could actually do for you. I am glad that after so many years we have reconnected on Facebook. You are an amazing woman... I know I wouldn't not be as strong as you in similar situation.

    I'll be thinking about you often, and wishing you a speedy (as it can be) recovery!

  5. Hi Dave, I know Sarah through a breast cancer discussion board that we participate in. Please give her a soft hug from me and let her know that I am thrilled that it went well for her. Caryn form San Jose, CA
